Medication Management

The use of medication is often needed in combination with therapy to provide the most effective treatment. Our prescribers will meet with you to discuss your options.

PBHS provides comprehensive psychiatric evaluations and medication management to adolescents and adults with psychiatric and substance use concerns. Medication evaluation and monitoring is typically started after an initial evaluation with a clinician is completed and the treatment team determines that a medical evaluation or consultation is in order. Our team works collaboratively to provide the most effective care. In addition, our staff works with other healthcare providers in the community to assure that patients receive the highest quality of care.
Our medication management providers utilize Pharmacogenetic Testing (PGT), which is designed to predict how patients may respond to common medications. By utilizing genetic testing, we are minimizing the ‘trial and error’ of medication therapy. PGT also:
  • Identifies potentially harmful drug interactions
  • Assists clinicians in determining the most effective medication and dose, potentially reducing multiple medication trials
  • Provides evidence-based and guideline driven information with in-house clinical expertise for additional support

Additional Services for the Geriatric Population

Many of our prescribers have specialization with the geriatric population; their training and experience make them uniquely qualified to work with clients and their family members to provide the most appropriate care. Special services for the geriatric population include:
Medication Management, Geriatric Services, Mentor OH

For more information on our Pharmacogenetic Testing, please visit: